Guest Post: 5 great ideas on how to incorporate colors into your wedding

It’s every girl’s dream to have the perfect wedding. They spend their entire lives fantasizing about that day. Every girl has their own visualized in their mind including who will attend, the venues and the colors. They will arrange and rearrange the seating positions and so forth. Planning your wedding entirely by yourself could hurt a few areas such as décor, meals and logistics. As a young bride, getting it right on your first attempt can be a daunting task.

Luckily, today with the numerous specialists who handle wedding preparations, it’s really not easy to mess up. In this regard, you can allow the specialists to handle logistics, budgeting and other non creative issues associated with your wedding so that you can put all your efforts into making your wedding as appealing as possible. In this regard, you can write down every creative detail you desire and hand them over to the wedding planner.

One of the best ways to make your wedding stand out is by incorporating colors. We all love colors as they bring life to almost everything. Traditionally, weddings have always had a theme color mostly selected by the bride. Nevertheless, it’s not totally a bad idea to incorporate some extra colors to make the wedding more vibrant. Here are some five great ideas that you can use to incorporate color to your wedding without messing up with the main theme colors.

Find an alternative color for your gown

Traditionally, the white gown has always been the number one choice for every bride. According to some beliefs, it is symbolic and generally white is a nice color. Nevertheless, you could add some color into your wedding by trying out a differently colored gown. You could opt for a completely different color or complement the white gown with some extra such as flowers. Furthermore, you can add some color by bringing in differently colored shoes.

Get a colored backdrop

At the photo shoot venue, wedding photo booth or the reception, you could make a difference by finding a colorful backdrop as most of the photos will be taken in these two areas. You can also choose to carry your backdrop with you in order to maintain the consistency of the colors. The colors do not only bring life to the event but also to your wedding photos.

Find colorful LED lighting

If you’ve already worked out your color theme and don’t want to change a single thing, you can play with the lighting especially at the reception. Exceptional LED lighting could make a difference especially at night during the after party. In order to get these one right, make sure to contact a professional so that they can give you extra ideas on how to make wall patterns using LED lighting.

Find colorful cocktails/meals

Another area where you can make a difference in regards to color is in the kitchen and at the bar. In this regard, you can add some color into drinks, food and the salads. Working with the creative chef and cocktail specialist would make it a breeze for you.

The best part about incorporating color in the food section is that it won’t go unnoticed. In fact, adding some color at the food area encourages your guests to enjoy biting while at the event. Furthermore, colorful cocktails also add some life to the event photos. Find your favorite colors, incorporate your theme color into the food and the setting with colored napkins and tablecloths among others. Basically, there are no limits into what you can do with food and drinks in regards to color.

Add some color to your cake

The cake is obviously one of the main attractions in a wedding. In this regard, you want it to stand out by incorporating extra colors without deviating from the theme color of the event. Talk to your chef on how you can add some extra colors on the cream and on the cake. Furthermore, make sure that you add some color during presentation. You can do this by adding some flower petals at the base of the cake, incorporating LED lighting, and a colorful tablecloth among others.

Basically, there are many ways you can add color into your wedding which might include incorporating fireworks, hanging colorful ribbons and balloons among others.

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