3 Things For The Groom to Do Before the Big Day’


While wedding planning is all about two people in love creating their perfect day, the responsibility (and credit for everything) often goes towards the bride. But this is a little unfair. The Groom can have as much input as his partner in the run-up, even if it is just to make him feel like he’s doing something. Both Bride and Groom want their big day to be as unique as possible, though, so even if you’ve been told not to get too involved, here are four things that you can do before the big day comes. 

Get a Haircut 

You want your hair to be perfect on the day of the wedding, so a week before, make sure you get a haircut. Do not, under any circumstances, get a haircut the day before. This will look awkward. It won’t give you hair the chance to grow in, and you also might have trouble styling it because you’re not used to the new length. 

If you’re one of the many couples who disagree on the best look for your hair, it’s worth settling on a style as early as possible, and you can even use a photograph for reference if you’re unsure. As you get closer to the wedding, the idea of not everything being perfect can cause unnecessary stress on both sides, so go with a cut that you both love. 

Learn to Dance Dance

You might have spent your single years throwing shapes at your favorite haunts all over the city, but pumping your arms while shuffling to either side won’t cut it when it comes to your first dance. 

Grooms can surprise their partner with a proper dance that impresses everyone there. It will make your first dance more special (not that it wouldn’t be anyway), and it gives you the chance to show off your hidden talents. Look for videos on Youtube or find a professional to help you out. 

Keep Everyone Calm

Stress levels will be through the roof the closer you get to the big day, so it’s your job to keep everybody, from your partner to the bridesmaids to the best men and the parents as calm as possible. You can alleviate their fears by speaking with them, and showing that you are ready for everything, too. 

If people ask about mens wedding bands and the style you’re going for, reassure them you have it covered. If they are concerned about the Best Man’s speech, make sure it’s acceptable for the audience. There might even be a few panics that don’t even make sense. It’s your job to ride out these waves and keep everyone from worrying too much, especially about things that, in hindsight, won’t even matter. 

Getting Ready

The weeks and months leading up to the wedding are a mixture of excitement and abject terror. The happy couple will always worry about things that could go wrong. But all of this comes with a consistent undercurrent of adoration and optimism for what their future holds, and that is what you need to look forward to more than anything else.

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