7 Benefits of Silicone Rings

Choosing the right type of ring involves carefully considering several factors, including your preferences, overall health, and lifestyle. While metal rings were once the go-to choice for wedding bands, more people are opting for ones made from silicone. Exploring the benefits of silicone rings helps you make the best choice for your next piece of jewelry.

Source: https://modgents.com/products/the-flex-white

1. Avoid Allergic Reactions

Silicone is a hypoallergenic material that many people with allergies might find preferable over metal. Although you can prevent some allergies by choosing rings made from metals such as rose gold and titanium, it’s also nice to have an alternative.

If you struggle with skin sensitivity or know your soon-to-be fiancé does, you can’t go wrong with a silicone style. You’ll also appreciate that you don’t have to worry about your finger turning green like it might with low-quality or mixed metals.

2. Wear a Safer Ring to Work

Depending upon your profession, you might struggle with finding women’s and men’s wedding bands that allow you the freedom to wear them to work. Construction workers, electricians, and others who encounter heat or moving equipment must use caution with the types of jewelry that they wear.

While you’ll always want to follow workplace safety protocols, silicone bands are safer for avoiding finger and hand injuries. If a silicone band gets caught on machinery, it’s more likely to break rather than cause physical injury to you. This is why you’ll often see people swap out their rings at work.

3. Enjoy Conflict-Free Jewelry

Modern ring shopping requires making mindful decisions regarding how and where your jewelry is sourced. Unfortunately, some metals for jewelry come from unsustainable sources that also involve conflicts regarding the abuse of human labor and land.

Silicone bands provide an option for jewelry you can feel good about. These types of rings are made using silica, which is derived from sand. Being able to choose jewelry from a sustainable resource is something to smile about just as much as you might about the prospect of marriage.

4. Manage Temporary Finger Swelling

Finding engagement rings for women can sometimes be stressful, especially if you aren’t sure what size to get. Silicone rings are stretchy and more forgiving compared to traditional metal bands. This is why many people choose to get silicone bands during times when their fingers are changing sizes.

Pregnancy is one stage in life where women may need a silicone band to accommodate their increased hand swelling. Although it’s normal for pregnant individuals to have some hand swelling around 20 weeks of pregnancy through delivery, it can make wearing a wedding band uncomfortable.

If the hand swelling is mild, the silicone band can stretch slightly to accommodate the new sizing. Or, you could buy a second ring made of silicone as an affordable temporary band replacement. This is also a great way to continue to show your commitment through weight loss, after an injury, or during an arthritis flare-up.

5. Minimize Worries About Jewelry Theft

Jewelry thieves don’t always plan mega heists at local stores like in the movies. Instead, many criminals look for crimes of opportunity, and rings hold big payoffs. Not only are certain types of rings easily pawned or traded for high values, but they’re also incredibly small.

Criminals love finding someone’s ring sitting unattended in locker rooms or hanging from a chain in their car. When you know you’ll be taking your ring off, it’s always best to do it at home. Silicone bands give you something to wear as you workout at your favorite gym or visit a waterpark.

6. Enjoy a Low Maintenance Option

Many metal rings require special cleaning methods, including buffing them to shine. While silicone rings require you to avoid sharp objects that could tear them, this is easy to do when they’re on your hands. Otherwise, you can shower, swim, and even paint with them on without worrying about causing damage.


7. Match Your Ring to Your Daily Styles

Fashion-minded men and women tend to go for silicone bands as an option to mix and match with any outfit. Silicone bands come in classic neutral shades such as black and gray, but they also come in vibrant colors such as hot pink, teal, and military green. You can also pick rings with imprinted patterns to create a unique look that you can change from one day to the next.

Choose a Versatile Ring for Any Occasion

Whether you’re thinking about surprising that special someone or are eager to find a ring you can wear to work, silicone offers you a high level of versatility that can’t be beaten. Having the option to temporarily swap out your metal band for a safer one for traveling or spending time at the gym gives you peace of mind.

If you choose to make a silicone band your permanent wedding ring, you’ll also enjoy knowing the symbolism that it will stay with you throughout your life’s changes, just like your spouse or life partner. Now, all you have to do is start exploring the various styles and colors of rings that you can choose from to jumpstart adding to your jewelry collection.

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