Recycled Bride

Before I moved into my new place I had to downsize a few boxes. The boxes were full of wedding stuff. Invitations, unused gifts, favors, etc. which were all left over from my wedding. I had no idea what to do with them and I really hated the fact I would have to throw them away. I still have my wedding dress and I’m not really sure whether or not I should still keep it.

I wish there had been a resource out there to sell all of my stuff then. Well now there is! Recycled Bride is an amazing resource. If you haven’t heard of them before today you will have to go to their website and check it out! It was started in 2008 by Tracy DiNunzio, who I follow on Twitter.

She started the site shortly after her wedding when she realized she wasn’t alone wondering what to do with all the extra stuff. You can buy or sell anything wedding related from designer wedding gowns to table decorations, bridesmaids dresses, shoes, and wedding gifts. Its a free marketplace for the stylish, eco-conscious, and budget-friendly brides. You will also be reducing your carbon footprint at the same time.

Its such a great resource for brides, brides to be, bridesmaids, or anyone who has been a part of a wedding.

Tracy also has an great blog that will give you tips and inspiration for your wedding day and she donates 15% of her ad revenue to Global Green USA.  Its a must see website and blog so make sure you go check it out!

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