Guest Post: Smart Ways to Save on Your Wedding

Woman with calculator and laptop

From simply finding inspiration to buying the dress, there are a million ways to spend money on your wedding, and therefore, a million ways to save it too. Money worries are the main cause of divorce, so instead of breaking the bank for a wedding, get married for a little less, save yourself the stress, and live happily ever after.

Get Inspired Without the Price Tag

Tempting though it might be, going out and buying a stack of bridal magazines really has quite a substantial price tag involved. With many magazines now publishing online on, wedding suppliers that send you newsletters, and sites like Pinterest that can inspire you no end with images and ideas with no charge, there really is no need to spend any money at all.

Save the Environment and Your Purse

Go green and don’t send your guests save the date cards as well as invitations. Most of your recipients will probably throw your save the date card away anyway once they have made a note in their diary. So why not save yourself the postage and use email. A simple e-card that can be designed in a pretty way in keeping with the theme of your wedding can save you time, money and stress. If you were feeling particularly frugal and environmentally friendly, you could go so far as to email invites too.

Utilize Your Skills

And other peoples’ too. Delegation is the key to a cheap and stress free wedding. If your mum is great at baking, ask her to do the cake, or if your sister-in-law (to be) is a budding dressmaker, she could make the bridesmaids dresses. There’s no harm in asking, and they will be flattered by your request. Things like the photographer and the flowers can be expensive so they are something that you can easily save money on. If you know someone with photography skills, great, but you can also put disposables on the table; and flowers can be grown in your own back garden.

Ask For a Contribution

Everyone knows that weddings are expensive, so instead of asking for wedding gifts, ask for a contribution from your wedding guests, either to the wedding itself or to your honeymoon. Make a pretty little deposit box for guests to donate into at the wedding and make a point of it on your invitation- just so they know.

To keep a good hold on your budget, make sure you use a wedding budget planner so you don’t lose sight of a thing.

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