Guest Post: A Day in the Life of the Groom


It is not an unfair assumption that the bride will be at the forefront of the wedding planning. Certainly this might not be the case for everyone, but in the majority of situations the groom’s role and sometimes even his wishes are put on the backburner. But whether or not the groom is at the forefront of the planning, there are certain aspects that he must take control of. The groom, best man and usher’s duties all truly begin at the bachelor party; after all this is often one of the most memorable parts of the wedding for many of the male guests, although perhaps it shouldn’t be. Choosing these key figures is a very difficult task for the groom and he is often torn between an old friend or a friend who is known for throwing amazing parties as the best man.

In theory, if the groom has chosen well then he won’t have to get involved in the planning of the party at all, saving his time for more important things to do with the wedding, hopefully. He should just have to show up and have a good time. However, one of the tasks that he could spend his time doing is looking for the groomsmen’s wedding gifts. These are simple items that say thank you for all the hard work and are a nice keepsake to remember times gone by. Again, we shouldn’t generalize, but typically men don’t want something sentimental and sweet, they want something useful otherwise it will just be lost in a pile of useless objects. One of the most popular gift ideas is a hip flask with a suitable engraving. It ticks all the boxes and is very well received.

Aside from all the fun and frivolity you might be asking, what about the bride? Is she hard at work while he is off partying? Of course not; the groom’s tasks are extensive, not matter how involved he wants to get. Even when it almost feels as if the wedding planning is coming to a close and everything is sorted there is always something that goes wrong, has been forgotten or a last minute adjustment that needs to be made. The groom has to be on his toes, ready to help out, persuade stubborn florists or pick up last minute dress alterations. And while all of this is going on a little romance couldn’t hurt either. It is so easy to forget to treat each other when the wedding planning is in full swing, so consider treating her to a romantic picnic or a massage to help her relax and to have a little alone time together.

Finally, on the big day all the hard work really kicks in for the groomsmen. Tasks can range from helping guests find their seats and walking Auntie Mavis to the bathroom every 20 minutes to coordinating waiting staff and floral arrangements. The best thing to do is for the groom to inform his men of their respective duties so that he is free to relax. Although it can feel like a great compliment to be asked to be an usher or best man at someone’s wedding it also involves a fair bit of work. As long as they know who should be helping guests and who should be aiding with other tasks then everything should go smoothly. Overall the groom should try to help as much as he can while ensuring that his bride is relaxed and enjoying the time leading up to the wedding and the special day.

This blog post was written by Elizabeth A. Wright, professional blogger and an experienced gift buyer. Writing on behalf of Personalised Pressies Elizabeth believes it’s about time that people put a touch more thought into those all-important presents and had fun at the same time!

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