Guest Post: Can Brides and Grooms Dress with a Similar Sense of Style?

The cost of a traditional white wedding is continuing to rise in the UK, despite the fact that disposable income levels are falling disproportionately in comparison. This is causing high street brands and wedding suppliers to seek out innovative ways of cutting costs for brides and grooms nationwide, with H&M’s unveiling of a new, £59.99 […]

Tina Mak Wedding Gowns

I read somewhere recently that one out of every 10 brides is expecting, if that’s the case then why is there such a lack of maternity bridal gowns? Expectant brides are just like every other bride out there looking for the perfect gown. So, today I bring good news to all my expectant brides out […]

Affordable Table Runner Ideas

If your looking for some great ideas for table runners that won’t break the bank you are in luck today! We have 5 fantastic ideas that will get you thinking outside the box for your wedding. Bandannas This simple idea will bring out the beauty of bandannas which gets overlooked. Just sew several bandannas together […]

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